Monday, 24 June 2013
Elaquent – Believing
Whether it is on purpose or coincidence, Elaquent is a beatsmith who creates juicy beats that upholds his own producing name. A lot of his lacings are hip-hop and soul oriented, but you should know by now that any claimed influence these days can be misleading. Elaquent’s latest album, Believing, showcases his musical ability to adapt and evolve his game. Yes, there are clear signs of hip-hop and soul interspersed within the album, though the organic style he has injected into the album overshadows any doubts of it being yet another mundane, album. You’ll stumble across unorthodox yet progressive beats, an eclectic collection of effects, and a modest use of looped vocals. This downtempo-esque album also provides a wide range of moods and tone, all the while keeping your mind at bay. Mystique, yet familiar. Blunt, yet majestic.